and only creeps feel asking such an asinine question to a supreme court justice nominee is a legitimate question.
actually, one of her class mates interviewed her. that would be cruz. some of their classmates weighed in on who was most liked and respected of...
that is a flat out weird question to be asked. beyond weird. her tone, all the way through. disgusting woman. she would've fitted perfectly as...
I thought Cruz and Hawkey were a disgusting duo. Blackburn basically told them to hold her beer.
Things don’t look good for the home team.
I haven’t been fully engaged in this WW stuff since the start but I’ve always wondered why he wasn’t let go when the recordings first came out and...
getting a little testy there shaney boy. which of us is known to use chemical weapons?...
if you're looking for facts coming from Tucker Carlson it is your brain cells that are missing. btw, "brain" is spelled brain.
did you see it? do you know it's being used now...for this war? or are these the same kind of findings as you state for the voting machines?
This alone should've, at the very least, resulted in those machines not being used in any election. But, keeping in mind who occupied the WH at...
It does not matter. Look, it's been 1.5 years since the election. And for 4 years before that we had a president who declared the only way he...
FACTS is what your argument is lacking.
i think some of the MyPillow Guys findings had hearings too. Nothing, nothing, nothing was ever decided in either of yours favor. No overturned...
This tells everyone where you get your treasonous news from.
This is something that goes beyond following any one-sided media one may follow. Don’t talk about media. Talk about what has been determined by...
Whenever recounts are judicially determined come back. Right now, your assertions can’t even make back page news.
That’s just bullshit. At least a single court in our land would’ve sided with your stupid assertion because voter error would’ve certainly been...
But still, no significant problems with recounts that would change anything. Nothing is perfect. Repeated complaints about the machines are...
You’re a waste…(was gonna add “of time” but I think I’ll just leave it at that.
Could be.