listen to this, you ignoramus. mcconnell noted 3 fairly recent elections that were closer. this is important. mccarthy and graham also voiced...
deflection noted, son
"exactly" is not "moving", son.
LEGITIMATE, meaning zero proof of fraud or irregularities? Here. 14 friggin months later and nothing has changed, zero proof of fraud or...
you're touched, my son.
that's exactly what i'm saying. it's ok for your guy to do anything. he even admitted to trying to overturn the election. that in itself is...
as your link states...50 years ago. most could also go back as recent as 13-17 months ago and wonder why is that man still relevant. heck, why...
yes. trump.
all true. kennedy should've been ruined for that, at the very least. when it's wrong, it's wrong. no matter what party you're affiliated with....
nope, but this guy is. a better poster child for the far right would be hard to find...unless hitler came back to life....
biden wouldn't consider declaring martial law. that's only been a right wing suggestion. and yes, our country would be lost if that ever...
I have to say you are correct about that. Which makes labeling them traitors to our country all the more easy.
your bunch are just nuts. full of misinformation, outright lies, "deflection noted" when you don't don't answer simple questions, don't believe...
thats an old post and i'm not going to search. i do remember you wanting to change how something was interpreted. it's your usual stuff....
I’m in my car in a parking lot and only have a couple minutes. First, I said a source people generally have relies on in the past. Meaning all...
I haven’t seen a link of yours from a source people have always accepted as fact. Only your word…which is misinformation.
Blah blah blah. as i said...misinformation to outright lies.
Not true. Misinformation. Hitlers nazism was far right wing. Look up definition. Go no further than that. You can’t change facts because...
move those goal posts.
Wouldn't that also make the KKK a leftist organization since their identity is tied to the Nazi flag and beliefs? We always thought those were...