my intention and thinking is it means what you want it to mean. Not one size fits all. But, I am sure @Kikicaca thinks it’s logical to expect...
You are disgusting. The absolute lowest form of human life.
You and @Winston1 are right. When I saw Kikicaca's earlier post, offering to be a security guard at a school if they'd have him all I could think...
Somewhat agree, but the good guy has to be in the right place at the right time and have the same deadly intent in the split second as a gunman...
I don't think Gun Free Zone signs are wise either. It doesn't mean there were none somewhere on campus. Honestly, I have to lean to "probably...
Except at the National NRA Convention. Go figure. The whole reason for the convention but guns aren't allowed. Like 100% of the attendees...
Don't agree armed guards and teachers is the answer. A lot of these schools are huge. An armed guard or 2 is of little help, especially if they...
If nothing else is done, funding for cameras mounted throughout each and every school in the country should be mandatory, with local PD having...
Maybe not as much 3 days ago, because we’re getting somewhat numb to gun violence. Let’s go way back to about 9-10 days ago after Buffalo. Guess...
You and whoever else against anything being done, yet again, to address this legally from happening again are the disgustingly dishonest ones. 20...
It matters if they happen here. That’s what eludes you.
Not rude. Real. Arguments against doing anything, once again, is at the kindest, rude. At worst, no words. Time to look at yourself in the mirror.
Mass murders in America is what we’re talking about, my lost child. You thought everyone here was talking about foreign mass murders? Weak...
Man, you are one obsessed MF. I ask you go look at each of those people killed pictures and tell yourself, “my rights are more important than...
you mean "finding" xxxxx number of votes. of course, that's what you mean. crawl under your rock.
all you gotta do is go to kevin mccarthy's recorded words, or mitch mcconnells or lindsey graham's recorded videos of their views of your mans...
yea, yea, trump is the truth. what you guys are writing is just crap. people need to vote. if that happens things will change and you guys...
You already have experience at fighting your own government after Jan 6
If you’re capable of understanding your own post and know a little geography, the last I heard Norway is not in America. You must’ve searched far...