No, I don’t. But you didn’t answer the question. Were you in agreement with trump that pence deserved hanging. Simple question.
Stay on point dementia ridden old man. We’re talking efforts to overturn an election and hanging a VP on the presidents orders. And the...
That’s just Bullshit. How many times and ways did Pence try to get help? How many of the capital policemen are now dead or remain injured from...
For all we know you were there. Btw, do you agree with trump that his VP should’ve been hung?
Apparent substandards in some on the rights gene pool… should’ve been aborted. Unfortunately, those also beat out millions of sperm cells only to...
Considering his creepy comments about dating his own daughter and talking about pedophiles…is it incest first and pedophile second? Or the other...
Steven Colbert on Ivanka's testimony: It must have been a bittersweet moment --- she finally screwed him.
It was the whole, coordinated effort. As Trump told the AG to just say there were problems with the vote and “let him take it from there”, as one...
Yes, and that barricaded door with a gun pointed at the insurrectionist faces was a formal invitation.
Not solid America first, shit for brains. Me first.
So you think the gatekeepers around him should ignore troubling signs and only act after he’s pushed the button and wiped the masses from the face...
And yes, I think Biden sucks! But I’m so glad he won the election. It was important that he did.
Hitler duped a country that remains embarrassed about its allegience to him. Thank God we had a couple people here willing to do the right thing...
Deflect. However, people in the know were concerned your stable genius would do just that.
Buddy, it doesn’t matter what you’ve “done” for this country! If you continue to argue trump was robbed of an election, much of everything else...
Are you watching? If not, and you apparently aren’t and still believe the election was stolen, you’re a loser, an unpatriotic loser. You’re...
Are you watching? You guys damn well should be! Even Ivanka! Barr! Every f’ing body, except Trump. And you believe trump. What sorry losers....
And the right ignore problems that do exist and have a never ending stream of conspiracy theories.
What does that say for people who voted for a celebrity who starred on “The Apprentice”?
Picturing your 75 yo self in a bar fight or trying to get out of a foxhole. Brings giggles.