Etling doesn't turn the ball over. Bama hasn't been pressuring ANYBODY with their DLine all year(weak schedule by the way) and having to blitz....
How many got disciplined by Miles?
Look at the roster Saban inherited from 2000 LSU team. It was maybe best HE had, not WE had. Lot of NFL players on it.
One 9 win season at Toledo and he's proven? and Ed Goes what 7-2 last year in interim. He goes 6-2 in interim at USC? He could easily been 9-0 as...
My bad LOL
Hurts throws in traffic vs LSU it is bad for bama. Period INT IN FULL EFFECT
Saban was not a success as a head coach at other places #1 Gerry Dinardo had just trounced the man in the Indepedence Bowl right before we hired...
I don't know that we didn't get the best. I don't like Alleva either and I don't like his tactics, but that has no bearing on whether a man wins...
Wasn't that good bunch of 7-5 6-6 and one 8-4 year. Ed O showed last year he could coach. Had the team with a chance in every game. He could...
I agree 100% He should have said we need to fix special teams and left it alone. He will learn, he speaks from the cuff too much. He lives in the...
I'm sure your excuses are what we will hear. LSU is about to break the streak Bama started when Miles was leading us into a pit of mediocrity....
You Bring the safeties in the box Hurts is inaccurate deep. Our corners are proven one on one anyway and can be trusted. Aranda is a master and...
Always the true bamafan in you coming out.
HOF resume at LSU I presume? 1 National title, 1 National Title runner up when an inexcusably stupid stupid moronic QB switch and failure to go...
Point is, he stopped where Saban kept going on AFTER player AND players family got death threats from probably the guy posing as IT here. I think...
OK I stand corrected on that. I can admit where I am wrong.
You won't see me run...
Not with some of these knuckleheads. Saban grew into coach he is now at LSU, he wasn't there when he arrived.
He better know how to bring wood, cause I know what I bring. I was smack talk on Conference Call...
I am old enough to remember when we hired Nick Saban. I didn't like it, but was willing to support him and give him a chance. He inherited a team...