When LSU beats Alabama who takes it harder Tigertap or saban??? I say the clown prince here does. Continue your meltdown now...
Not right now.
Continue your military prosecution ramblings. Various melts...
Yeah, sorta like you acting like an LSU fan.
Probably the first time a clown started questioning whether someone was lying.
You seem to have a hard time following. Let me say it again. I was "wrong". Did it register in your Bama brain that time between Dixie beers?
I can get behind this.
You DO need to dial it down, it is a message board.
No thanks was ever needed, I did it because I loved my country. And that college fund looked nice...lol
Where are you getting off calling me a fake homie. You ain't even here pulling for LSU, and you are calling someone a fake. That's rich.
I have seizure activity from my coughing fits that cause memory loss and tremors. I served 11B USArmy Ft Drum, NY
Why do I need a go fund me page? Why is it important to prove my service to the likes of the clown retard of the board.
I always admit them when they are wrong don't I? And they won't always.
I have problems with my memory thanks to my service connected issues. I am not a retard, that would be an idiot who thinks he is a clown calling...
It better not be secret Nov 5th. And I bet it won't.
He can't get into that gear since the shifter went into his...
First time I tried writing an article.
I was talking staff vs staff maybe I should have been clearer. I meant everyone down to Corey Raymond.
Spell check does sound like a great modern achievement. I will look for it.