I agree. She should have been locked up…as should he.
You’re wrong. Show me an instance where we’ve conquered a country with the intent of making it part of the US.
You know it’s not whether people in one place or the other is happy. The point of this discussion is that Putin and Russia are intimidating and...
I don’t know what twisted your shorts but if you don’t recognize the difference between the Soviet Union or Putin’s Russia and the United States...
You have strange ideas of cause and effect. Based on your comments you see no moral difference between the United States and the Russians or the...
The walls are closing in on the Donald. Bad news almost every day. Today a republican (correction Metha was appointed to the federal court by...
Good. There are rarely 4 teams that are good enough for the way it is.
I’ll leave that to you. I don’t dwell on it.
I do just as whites may deserve to be called rednecks, honkies etcetera.
You didn’t read my post did you…or is it you just didn’t understand. My point was that if used in the correct context it’s not a racist term. I...
So if you have any real life experience in the south or African American neighborhoods anywhere you’d know there is a difference. Even African...
If the Russians had succeeded in fully controlling the country they would have been able to put direct pressure on Pakistan, India and Iran....
Finally the real and absolute blame for what happened in Afghanistan is on the Soviet Union. They invaded and decapitated a relatively stable...
I guess it’s more fun arguing than looking at the facts. Here are the facts. 1) The initial response to 9/11 was to go into Afghanistan and...
Watch out Kluke you can’t blaspheme @shane0911’s orange god.
There’s a difference in that often people who espouse America first are exclusionary in the application of who or what America is. They use it as...
Trump isn’t and never was a conservative. There are few if any actions taken during his term that meet the term conservative. in fact he supported...
Only it misses the totally random capitalization of his orange god.
Yes but those are your people. You know those good progressives who really care about what’s best for the “people “.
So @Rex were the people who voted to recall the 3 members of the San Francisco board of education racists?