Ask the Baltic states before 1989. Their answer will give lie to your statement.
@shane0911 and @LSUpride123 snd @Jmg you say I want war. Actually I want to prevent this war and an even larger one. You don’t prevent war by...
The Baltics didn’t want Soviet rule in the 1920s or after 1945. However they were and are too small to be more than a squirrel in the road to the...
Ask the English, French and Americans in 1938.
I’m sure your grandfather said the same thing about Hitler and Germans in the 1030s. You do know there was a significant America First movement...
Shane Shane Shane where have I ever defended Biden? Frankly this is less about Biden or Trump than it is a general statement about the western...
So you think. In this crisis we had to twist Germany to support NATO. They are becoming dependent on Russian gas and will be even more so as...
You are a short sighted fool. It will make for a much less stable world. One where the United States has many more limitations. You and your...
Blah blah blah. You’re a wordy MF to say absolutely nothing
No but it illegal to try to fraudulently change the outcome, encourage and initiate an insurrection and create fraudulent slates of electors. Yes...
You’re right No sport you’re just looking for an excuse
You know there’s a definition for people like you…sociopath
You’d probably start helping the Russians. After all isn’t your motto might makes right????
Well I certainly wouldn’t want you to.
In other words you’d let your friend get attacked without doing anything to help. Those are your morals.
There’s a big difference between Russia invading Ukraine and me in New Orleans. If I get accosted in New Orleans I would hope the police will be...
A craven coward’s answer
So you think it’s perfectly acceptable for Putin to invade Ukraine? Simple yes or no answer please
You have a problem with people being free??? Tell me why do people flee totalitarian states for free states? You’re making a false equivalence baw.
How can he refuse?