No I didn’t forget 2014 or 2008 and condemned W and Obama for their feckless behavior. That certainly bear responsibility for Putin’s actions...
Actually they don’t have the same equipment and it’s armed forces are significantly smaller yet they are fighting hard. Why are civilians flocking...
Dud you have no clue. Why did Zelensky win 74% of the vote? BTW it’s not a typo dudly
That’s a very good question. Likewise why did Biden’s administration stop bids on oil leases the day Russia invaded? Nothing I’ve said suggested...
When called on by events, Trump didn’t rise above the mundane but withdrew into self interest and became smaller not larger.
Your ignore and deny what you don’t want to see. You forget (or maybe not) that the Ukrainian people have rejected Russia and authoritarian rule...
You’re so funny and pitiful. I’m sure the pictures and videos of destroyed Russian tanks and aircraft are just staged fakes, right prideful?...
We’re witnessing the emergence of a unique historical figure in Zelensky. He declined an offer of evacuation from the United States. Ukrainian...
Rexie get off your soap box! Comment like that do nothing to advance the conversation.
@LSUpride123 @shane0911 @Jmg and all you armed citizenry advocates what do you think of the Ukrainians who are giving their homes, their lives and...
What a waste of time and deflection from what is happening in Ukraine. I’m not sure the evidence says that Putin is smart at all. He’s gotten his...
Like so many other movies. We’ve really lost a lot over the years.
So what should happen to him? What would you think should happen if he were a left wing idiot who did the same thing during a riot to a Republican...
It is.
Dig up dirt on Biden
One of the funniest scenes in movie history
You lie Shane. I explicitly said Americans shouldn’t fight. I said sanctions and aid.
One of my favorites Gary Brookner of Porcol Harum...
Scintillating analysis Shane
Biden has imposed the first set of sanctions against Russia. While it does cut Russia off from the banking system and target some of his cronies I...