Pitching staffs need to evolve over the early stages of the season. Hopefully we’ll see who develops when in game situations. Errors at this...
I believe Kelly has to look for as many options as possible. He has essentially zero film on Nuss, MB seems fragile and Howard is a true...
For you @LSUpride123 learn something if you can...
So say the king of straw man creators. I’m honored
Seems like quite a few Americans disagree with @shane0911 and @LSUpride123 https://t.co/L1hpQHP1Dr
Interesting read https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/jan-6-committee-makes-case-trump-was-involved-criminal-activity-rcna18814
Oops I just pulled a Shane :rolleyes:
To no one’s surprise Trump lied to the crowd on Jan6....
So new developments in the situation. First Putin has said sanctions are like war MARCH 05, 2022 / 01:49 PM Putin likens Western sanctions to...
What do your last two oats have to do with Ukraine and Russia? You’re a mod and should know better.
I’ve already told you at least twice. Are you too stupid to understand or just don’t care as long as you can lie about what I’ve said?
Actually we were energy independent for a couple of years under Trump and a net exporter of oil.
Not getting involved is defending Russia you fool. https://twitter.com/alexkokcharov/status/1499080826599919633?s=21
https://twitter.com/stephenlemons/status/1499854189450567680?s=21 These are the people you’re defending in your blasé cowardly ignorance
Just like you to take the wrong information from the article to deflect from the point.
More evidence Trump and his people know what they asked Pence to do come from John Eastman himself. He texted Pence’s lawyer asking to stop the...
Yes they knew what they were doing was illegal. Here’s confirmation in Roger Stone’s own words....
@shane0911 the liar and @LSUpride123 the nihilist keep saying I want war because I am against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They say fuck the...
@shane0911 et Al you probably want me off the board. Well it’s not going to happen. I’m going to enjoy every moment as they frog March your orange...