And you are the poster child for the movement.
If your first post is any indication you will do fine.
Welcome to the board. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I guess the old memory ain't what it used to be. [ATTACH]
Do you remember who her Mom/Dad was? I ask because I was born & raised in the same town as Bobby & we went through 12 years of school together.
I'll agree with that. If the Republicans & Independents don't come out in full force in 2024 we are probably in deeper shit.
I can't think of one single thing that the Democrats have done that I am in favor of. But to say that they are on a mission to destroy America is...
I consider myself a middle of the road Republican, but I consider that statement beyond ridiculous.
Isn't Bobby Kimball the lead singer of TOTO?
In this case, I'm happy to be wrong. [ATTACH]
I'm probably the only hockey fan on here, but my Avs win the Stanley Cup. [ATTACH]
In the mid 70s during the summer, you could count on rain laden clouds rolling in over the foothills. 3 out of 4 days they would produce rain and...
I'm almost 75 years old and have lived in the same place for almost 50 years. I've seen the climate change dramatically over those 50 years....
Maybe it's a good thing my video wasn't working. My cardiologist would have had to take her phone off the hook. What a comeback. I've never...
For whatever reason(s), I am unable to access ESPN+, thus no video. Looking at the score I don't think I'm missing anything.
I spent 20 years in the USAF, including a year in Nam and 25 years working on Air Force contracts in the Space Industry? And you? And by all...
You have NO idea what my background is. And to be honest, I could care less. I respond to your posts to see what kind of off base, idiotic...