I can think of a whole bunch of words to describe his stupid posts. Angry isn't one of them.
If he declassified it, wouldn't the classified markings been removed?
Pay attention. I answered his stupid question. I'm not going to answer it again.
Then how do you know they are facts versus opinions?
Really? I'm not going to waste my time explaining to him what the responsibilities of the FBI are. It's a waste of time.
Still looking?? [ATTACH]
Another example. Keep 'em coming. [ATTACH]
You know it all. You tell me.
You obviously are a charter member of the Village Idiots club.
Then I suggest you spend the rest of your life in a closet. Hell, you might be doing that already.
I'm a life long Republican. I can't believe you wrote that. Want to get rid of the DOD & CIA also?
Be careful. You might be surprised.
Gee, what a surprise. A link from CNN. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Typical politics. And it's political news that's two years old. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] Substitute HE for YOU.
We've been waiting for you to do the same. We've been waiting a long time.
I didn't say Joe was on top of it. [ATTACH] I think we can agree that he will do what his closest advisors tell him to do. Bottom line, that's...
Who do you think the DOJ & FBI ultimately work for?