Aren't all those proposed away/@ games teams we played *at* home *this* year? Even without Tamu addition those would have been road games =S
See, the thing that worries me is that all Spring all we heard from CLM is "Jordan Jefferson is MY quarterback". All 'summer' and prior to the...
Patroon is barely there, not sure you can motor in to Holly Park from Main Lake anymore.
Just make sure 'somewhere' isn't Shady's ;)
With Baylors permission [/sarcasm]
*pulls out a Bama voodoo doll and calls up some ju-ju
I'm in Pendleton Harbor... can nearly walk across my cove... barely got the boat out of the boathouse in time last October. Glad to see there's...
LOL... I've been writing pictorial vB tutorials for years for another couple of sites... lots of experience ;)
They boo'ed... do you really think they *care*? They just exhibited their lack of sportsmanship and lack of manners and lack of class (if there...
1. click on 'share' [IMG] 2. click on 'show options' [IMG] 3. & 4. click on 'long link' (put a check mark in the box; put curser in link...
I think this was all planned by the other conferences ... a conspiracy to weaken the SEC's stranglehold on the crystal football :p
oh well... guess it was just an urban legend I heard from Jerry Clower :blush:
Start the morning off with Crawfish Omelettes and Pineapple Juice laced heavily with Capt. Morgan's Parrot Bay. Have jambalya in a slow cooker...
Offtopic: Hey oldtigerman... what part of the lake are *you* on? Do you have any water left?
LOL... Picayune cigs... rolled/made in Yazoo City
It's a shame even though it's the reality... especially since the talking heads like Saturday Nights in Tiger Stadium as much as we do... at least...
you left out the foo-man-choo ;p
Keeping it close to his chest? Keeping a few cards up his sleeve (or under his hat)? Who knows... it's CLM. :p
I think that's what was being intimated in the article. The GJ defers indicting and it's placed back in the DA's lap; he then tosses it, thus...
I have two pair of hunting boots.... which I wear depends on which real tree(tm) pattern I wear :p