I'm just trying to figure out who is Golim sitting in the corner rubbing his preciousssssssss
36 other schools besides WVU do. Admin is probably afraid it would just add fuel to the fire.
I can't find a live stream that 'works'. Firefox hates me today, chrome gives me the willies. The damn phone won't stop ringing every 5 minutes...
Or the fact LSU fans were there? From Twitter In first two games, WVU netted $132,760.83 in beer sales. In third game, WVU netted $120,469.81.
Oh yeah... I forgot about Vandy ;)
Well it's not like I can tune the radio to a BR station and can't put the TV on a BR station for 'breaking news' ;p~
Update from Twitter (Jim Kleinpeter):
Thanks for the update... not being near Baton Rouge I've only got internet for updates.
It was brought up on sports radio just a bit ago that the SEC By-Laws state that there *must* be an 'even' number of teams for a Championship Game...
and to follow that up... some interesting 'legal analysis': Legal Analyst: Jefferson wouldn
Jordan Jefferson expected to testify at grand jury hearing | wwltv.com New Orleans A video from the 'noon news' program (mainly posted for out of...
I don't think we'll 'let loose'. There are still a bunch of tough conference games ahead. Wouldn't want to show our full hand until we have to ;)
From Mathieu warning | The Advertiser | theadvertiser.com ETA: They did what they were supposed to do for the Game Plan. Compare the Grossman...
Oh I do to.. that was said tongue in cheek.... some see a conspiracy in *everything* [cough]
Oh well. On a side note:
I read 'somewhere' that the GJ is expected to wrap up by noon or early afternoon today: LSU's Jordan Jefferson faces big test at grand jury...
sounds like the perfect solution... oh and plays them all on the road...
*applause* :thumb:
Now I understand all the nasty looks I got at a College Station Starbucks when I stopped there. It just so happened it *was* a game day, and at...