Throw rugs, foam cushions and concrete must be awfully expensive in P-stan if that piece of crap compound is $1M.
Evidently, he didn't get the memo about the new bats. I haven't checked the stats, but did anyone else in the country have a more dominant, or...
Auburn, any team in the Pac 10 and Big 10, and any team the College Gameday crew picks LSU to lose against.
Eh, I don't really care what Oklahomo fans think. It's all just pissiness because they can't win the big one. Every fan base has their share of...
Watching that replay never gets old, nor does watching Cora's meltdown after. That guy was such a little bitch the entire game.
Not sure what the Saban fixation is about, but your question was about a statement game. I'm in agreement with most everyone else - the Oregon...
'96 CWS.
Eh, just consider the source. They can pretty much pound sand up their front butts.
I would have to think long and hard for the most crushing defeat, but this game probably pissed me off more than any other in recent memory. The...
Well, she would fit in perfectly with us LSU fans.
If she were my daughter, he would be missing.
I was kind of waiting for someone to point out the impact he has made, as well.
That's kind of a tough question for fans to answer since we're not around the program everyday. I'm usually not short on opinions, but I'll leave...
+1. Good luck, coach, and best of luck at Maryland.
Just cut sling on the guy, offer the scholarship to someone deserving.
Is Van Pelt the only guy at ESPN that's not a douchebag?
And how long did that last.
But I've also noticed Herbstreit is very noticeably silent on the whole issue.
I know Chris Petersen is a popular choice and no doubt he's a good coach. But it's one thing to get your team ready to play 1 or 2 ranked...
I bet the first statement from Miles will be he wants total control of football, i.e. no Lloyd Carr involvement whatsoever. If he gets that, I bet...