It was both. These type of high risk operations have to meet certain criteria, and certain conditions have to be right before being greenlit....
That's not surprising since the AG is still investigating the CIA's enhanced interrogation.
It's hard to know just how involved the Paki government was with hiding UBL. It's obvious there were some people intent on keeping him hidden, but...
I just used your analogy. Comparing individual rights to geopolitics is apples and oranges. Attack is offensive, not defensive. A defending...
It happened in 1973. Egypt and Syria attacked Israel.
The Chinese started their saber rattling once the US crossed the 38th parallel. Using your analogy, the guy climbing your fence is an actual act...
"Operational act of aggression" was a phrase you used. I'm simply attempting to understand what it means. War exists on three levels: tactical,...
I was just trying to understand his definition of an "operational act of aggression". I've never heard that phrase before.
What's an operational act of aggression?
Holy crap. When I raised my hand and swore an oath to serve my nation, I agreed to serve the entire nation. I've got nothing else to say.
Carney looks that way at every press conference. Anyone who has seen any of his press conferences knows this. You won't know who these guys are,...
My profession is military. UBL was killed this past Sunday. Believe what you want.
Think what you want about O and his desperation, but UBL is dead. Period.
None of what you just cut and paste has ever been substantiated. What has been substantiated is the Soviets were not going to risk a third world...
No, they weren't. The Soviets knew the implications of using nukes against Israel even if Israel used them vs. the Arabs. Just because the Soviets...
The Soviets didn't invade Israel. You said name an instance where a non-nuclear state invaded a nuclear state. I just gave you one. You lose. If...
Much of the planning and organization of 9/11 was done in Germany. But, of course, that doesn't fit the model for which you subscribe.
Not to mention the Yom Kippur War in 1973.
First reports are nearly always wrong. I'm sure when all the dust settles there will be quite a few deviations from what was first reported. Of...