and yes i was at the old alex box when no fans were in the stands,and yes i went through all the ups and downs of tiger baseball,but to say our...
but lsu has not shown improvement at the plate,take too many pitches,then down in counts and thus more strike outs,and too have a hitting coach...
and are you a season ticket holder,like me who was around for the bertman era to now.
well say that after next year when pm does nothing again.
and little ole sb is on their way home.
still if you can't coach these players then what is accomplished
Emmert was the best chancellor we ever had at LSU. But he is unlikely to step back. but if he comes back bye pm, bye alleva.
pm is sitting home doing his las window commercials and barbecuing with javi.
I agree Stevescookin: I just hope Manieri is watching the CWS because Arkansas & SC are both in the winners bracket due to play each other for it...
anybody is better than javi
o_O so what now pm
:confused: mainieri cant give a explanation he is lost in his notre dame world with javi.
nothing more entertaining than gorilla ball
still wont get rid of his godson
the problem is the recruiting no talent hitting coach with no experience,just look at sanchez video on hitting,what a joke hitting off a tee,thats...
yep he said it now looks like arby fields quit the team wonder who else is leaving
pm said hitting coach over rated
i agree hitting coach no experience
finally host a super regonial and get beat without any fight emotion lackluster play,time to look at this program.