now it's right
so if it's found that he lied about being a american citizen then what does the constitution mean,nothing that anyone with enough backing and... wow walls closing in barry.
so who is out sourcing jobs hmmmmm/ [IMG]mr outsource
seems barry has a god complex [media]
why won't barry release his true birth certificate,what is he hiding. hey red looks like...
here red listen to this????? [media]
Why should Romney show anything more to please your highest Odumbo when the POTUS has all his school records, college transcripts , real birth...
Looks like the one who is demanding Romney answer questions, maybe our POTUS Obama should be answering quite a few himself also....
well if jobs were created than people would not have gone on disability as their only avenue to earn money,so what are their options disability or...
The disability ranks have outpaced job growth throughout President Obama's recovery. While the economy has created 2.6 million jobs since June... guess o-bama don't keep up with current events.
Im always up to learning new things & I was'nt changing the subject , But you still have neglected to answer my question as to what are all these...
[IMG] How could I be so inept or am I missing something your graph shows only up to the year 2009 is there some hidden graph inside the one you...
Your right Red55 my bad !!!! i checked out your link and found some interesting stuff about our highness that is so glorified 4 straight pages of...
What exactly are those private sector jobs created you are talking about ? hopefully not all the more government jobs and IRS positions they...
Red55: you forgot to post these statistics received from BLS.Gov so I will do it for you as you are partially right about the numbers that you...
I would be standing right next to you doing the same thing, love the pic