what jobs has barry created irs jobs,his failed alternative energy jobs,or his wifes assistants,guess that's why so many are on unemployment and...
I can understand why the wealthy wouldn't rent from you as they would rather live in pristine apartments, but Red55 why would you only rent to a...
well red 55 isn't it true you go on tiger droppings guess what that's the internet.,and what is the definition of a curmudgeon. If you think all...
ah duh duh mmmmm is that more like it
I too have spent time in New York and parts of the east coast they are some fricked up people there . I agree with everything you posted here. I...
excuse me educate myself,it's better than being a left wing supporter,and by the way if you think this is spam then you better wake up or it will...
I fully expect Red55 to behave that way, considering he's bashed many for coming down on poor ole Barry.
and some more of barry's great ideas Economic Growth: 1.5% 2nd Quarter (Posted on 7/27/12 at 10:30 a.m.) Obama built that. quote:...
White House can’t name Israel’s capital (Posted on 7/27/12 at 6:57 p.m.) quote: US White House spokesman Jay Carney refused to state the US...
point blank i was once a union member 12 years down the drain,worked in the freight industry and because of the bill jimmy carter signed opened...
so what,why not give all equal chances seems like your back with less knowledge,and the only reason barry showed up is to raise campaign money....
what's this barry In his speech to the National Urban League, Obama was to announce that he will sign an executive order on Thursday that aims...
Eric Cantor has announced that Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill, H.R. 459, will be put before the full House for a vote this week, as early as...
enjoy reading everybodies posts. we all agree on somethings and disagree on others. my friends from the city don't understand why I hunt and fish...
http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/story/2012-07-20/state-unemployment-rates-june/56364086/1 way to go barry
http://washingtonguardian.com/whistleblower-video-chill there is the link
http://washingtonguardian.com/whistleblower-video-chill click on this
geez another barry moment. [media]