Rush Limbaugh dimwits,i don't like rush dingleberry,and when your rent monger life style ceases don't come on her crying,when barry taxes you to...
well if he would get off the damn golf course,we might actually see some progress. Google what he was doing during the BP Oil spill , he was...
Straight up Gyver, finally someone with some intellegence.....
you got to be kidding
love this picture.
[media] another good link,this is barry's theme on his campaign.
[media] add this too. law professor sounds kinda absent minded.** yep another right wing blog,yeah right chief.
Obama met highly qualified out of work teacher Robert Baroz He wasn’t out of work and Obama never met him.;_ylu=X3oDMTE1anVncm80BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA01TWTAwMl8xMjM-/SIG=11letbmn6/EXP...
why is his records sealed then,what is he hiding,oh wait he is a dictator he can do what he wants.
Since your so knowledgeable about what internet sites are worthy , or not worthy . I went in to the article, and as you will see there is an edit...
See Red55 this is what the article would read had i saved the changes to the article , pretty funny shit lol {{Infobox War on Terror detainee for...
Talking about those on the "Right" , and knocking down ridiculously internet sites ha ha, your funny coming from someone who posted a link to a...
law professor ha ha a occasional student , link included....
Wow Red55 you should really pay attention to what you post, for one you are mistaken the man is not in custody as I quoted before you post a link...
well i guess the military lies too right chief,and what prison is he in chief,check your facts iraq let him go. So Obama handed Daqduq over to...
boy we really have a great leader....
well i guess this is spam too huh barry. Everyone wants to point the finger at each other for the economy being so bad , well maybe if the Feds...
ron paul nails it again [media]