It's My Job to Keep Punk Rock Elite - NOFX [media]
I liked the 3rd one's pacing the best... would have liked the music the best too if it weren't for the random weird cheerleading thing in the...
We're moving on up... [IMG]
Re: LSU at MooU Series Thread What is the deal with away games and rain? First Arky and now MooU...
W&J played some of the interview this morning, including the stepdad's heart disease part. This was one of the most ridiculous interviews I'd...
Have you heard the Blue Man Group cover? I like it... can't find a video on YouTube though. Yellow Ledbetter - Pearl Jam [media]
Welcome to the Jungle - Guns & Roses [media]
Rooster - Alice in Chains [media]
La Grange -- ZZ Top [media]
Going to California - Led Zeppelin [media]
Just use media tags. (remove the periods from the example below) [.media]Paste URL Here[./media]
Duality - Slipknot [media]
Bullet with Butterfly Wings - Smashing Pumpkins [media]
Under Pressure - Queen & David Bowie [media]
Paint it Black - Rolling Stones [media]
Alright, as promised here are some pics from Friday night.
November Rain - Guns 'N Roses [media]
I was at the Friday night game. The new Box is very nice; we had tickets on the 3rd base side under the grandstand. Later this evening if I can...
Livin' on the Edge - Aerosmith [media]