nah I am shotgunning them. Don't know what happened on the ones that ran off. Just didnt hit em good I guess. I do not buy the only kids shoot...
made a pass round the field this evening got another 7. Not shooting good I don't guess knocked 3 others down 2 of them went into holes and one...
Well we used to have 63 pecan trees but hurricane George knocked 57 of them down. Topped em and stood most of them back up they took back pretty...
Got a hayride we gonna do for the kids around here for trick or treating next weekend and fire for smores etc planned for afterwards. So to go...
Specks from last night under lights. Whites from reef after daylight Only 18 of 23 pictured said he gave 5 to his neighbor [IMG]
23 specks last night under the lights. No telling how many shorts. Will try to get a pick later buddy has them all told him send me pic if he...
Usually while a video is playing
How was the crowds in Tiger Stadium in the 2011 season? I did not go to a home game that year but I did go to the MS State game in Starkville and...
tried out some lights again last night from about 830-11. Did ok TONS of small white trout with better fish mixed in occasionally. Kept about 20...
You'll take what I give you and like it
Woke up about 2am sat morning for some reason so went to check the lights in the bayou and found a few fish. Mostly small stuff prob had 50...
May have missed something or maybe it just my TVs or something but is lsu wearing blue jerseys? Look blue as can be on every TV in my house....
Def a bad deal for LSU giving up next years home game. What was the point of it all anyways if it was such a big deal to play the home game just...
I mostly wade but do go in the boat on occasion too. Vast majority is wading though
Went this morning for a little while in a fall spot and they were there. Shrimp getting crushed all around and found a good 2 man limit quick....
Yea that's why the " " around it. One last pic of her in action on a shoat. [IMG]
Thanks for the condolences. Of course she's "just a dog" plenty folks are dealing with a lot worse but still sucks. Took the kids behind the...
My old Catahoula as had cancer for a while. She's been with me a long time well before kids and all. She was hell on a crippled deer and she...
I am not sure how I really feel about Orgeron yet but I did like his name drop of a good friend of my family Arthur Cantrelle at the beginning of...