Don't know about anyone else I just haven't had anything to post in here lately. Deer hunting mostly done. Got a squirrel hunt planned at the...
Already tried that. No dice
Recommendation for a certain in dash one? Honestly though I doubt that's in the budget and to be honest I'm prob not gonna get that involved in...
buddy recommended this one which is a little over budget but I might can grit my teeth real hard and go with it.......
The wife is wanting one to put on her traverse. I know nothing of these magical devices so what yall know? looked at a bunch on line and all...
but were they really just peepholes.......or were they glory holes?
if they paid 1500$ for the bucks in those pictures I don't know what to say. 1000$ for the hunt and time with kids etc is not so bad and even the...
Gotta pull for the of the only things Saints fans have over Falcons fans is how many super bowls they have won.....of course 1-0....
Public land. Plus big time fine get caught guiding without the right license/permit
We over run with them around here. I trapped em for a while but got tired of dealing with it. I soaked corn in diesel and beer. They destroyed...
Really that is why I sat there was the pig sign. There were some deer tracks and a few scrapes and a few hookings but I was more expecting to see...
Yea like I said I saw some pretty lookin woods walked in and found a little sign and sat down. There was a big briar thicket there across a...
Negative. Legal begal....bc can't afford to be paying fines
Nope. I know what's up now
Blind ass luck but a good one. 19 inches wide 10 point 190 pounds. Drove down hwy 11, stopped at permit station thing, went maybe a half a mile...
I dont see how an LSU fan can pull for either team. There is bama....which is well...bama enough said. But how can you pull for Clemson? They...
ha ok might do that. this is the wifes thing so i am giving her all the info. I think we may just get one firestick for my daughters room since...
Really I need 8 to fully make it through the year but I can get the last ones I need in the yard whenever I decide to just pop a doe or 2. Not...
well scratch the TN trip. Apparently my cousin does not hunt according to the seasons says he has never seen a warden ect and from what I can see...
So in the Christmas gifts thread and the cutting the cable cord threads there is lots of talk of the firestick. As much as I do not like it we...