Switched laptops working fine on this one. No clue why it wouldn't work on the new one but playing fine on this old cheapo asus
Tryin to watch on foxsportsgo....says it's there then when I open it it says starts in 25 days. I hate tech. Trying to watch logged in through...
It's cousin Larry and aunt Henrietta
Between 2 people 75 white trout really is nothing
Nah I ain't concerned with none of that
Camera angle def sucks but glad game is actually on tv. I don't have FSSW so won't get next 2 games live. They showing tomorrow's game at 1am...
Hope so I was about the throw a blue wolf
Is it for anyone right now on FS2? It says it's on in the guide but it's not on some show about the Yankees and red sox
being lent and all had to bring a few fillets to work and fry em in the fry daddy in my classroom today.....kids begging for some....nope.
he is considering all options at this point dependent on how the boat place handles it.
finally got on the water yesterday for a few hours. nothing special just 75 white trout but dern they were good last night. Went on a buddy's...
This work better for you?[IMG] Yes I know it's not an elk.....so?
I'd go with battle without honor or humanity. was in kill bill when O-ren was getting to the blues joint and was in transformers when bumblebee...
It worked out pretty good. Much prefer a slab but this was free.
to be honest do not really need one. Most guys have a "man cave" to hang their deer heads, fish mounts, lay around, play cards, watch TV...
not much in the only pics i have but here is mine...not exactly a workshop more just a shed with a roof off the side. fish/game table and hanging...
We always plant taters Valentines day. Just put em in the ground at my uncles house yesterday. Run a couple rows of corn too just to have some...
we have a good many fruit trees and berry bushes. several pears, couple apples, satsumas, cumquats, figs, blueberries, blackberries(thornless now...
appreciate it but we got plenty. uncle has a huge garden and most of what he cant use or can is given away or the deer get it. Same with mine....
i just planted some new fruit trees...nothing special just a couple orient pears and a pineapple pear plus a few thornless blackberry vines for my...