Ol rexy is funny but he suffers from a severe case of delusions of grandeur. Poor fella is so self absorbed he can't see how idiotic the nonsense...
Hahaha even when you've been thoroughly beaten you keep on with the same lie. I love it you are funny.
Ha your funny. Keep it going. The articles of secession of each state clearly state the reason is the intrusion of the fed govt onto state...
Gotta wonder if ol rexy realizes that at its peak only around 2% (according to the actual 1860 census not some revisionist historian who puts the...
Ol Rex will never get it bc he fails to grasp what the civil war actually about. It was never about "keeping slaves." It was about states rights...
I have seen snow dang it. 3 times! Granted the last time was in 1996. It did snow 4-5 inches at my cabin 2 seasons ago but it was right after I...
dont eat the yellow snow
apparently watching the draft is a big deal to a lot of folks? I have never watched it or seen or heard of anyone else watching it either but...
First show me where did i say they couldn't make a nomination? You can't bc I never said that. Shouldn't and couldn't are very different words....
but it was oh so much fun
more like i ended up with those bc i was "huntin and fishin" to much. Somehow I ended up with a dern pile of degrees......couple bachelors,...
So had they held the hearing and denied the appointment it would have all be fine? Def not see it that way at all. Like I said I am in no way a...
i dont get into these pointless arguments on here but I am curious as to the massive cheat you are referring? I am not a trump fan and I think it...
Came out ok for a piece of scrap ripped with a chain saw anyways. Very little effort into it
Finally cut a piece of scrap cedar into a plaque for this one and for it hung up. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Won't be long for him if he doesn't get it down. Could have been worse if not for the pick off
We do pretty good. Several conf championships in the last 10 years. There's been plenty time for it all till my own kids came along.
Have coached middle school football, high school basketball and middle school basketball. Mainly basketball though currently debating whether or...
What the hell is up with posting pics? For years I've just copied the img tag in Photobucket now when I do it pastes some crazy nonsense on both...