Very nice. I wish I could get mine to hold like that. She still likes to stop 10 ft in front of me, drop the duck, and start plucking it. LOL...
My thoughts exactly! He is obviously not a Tiger. We don't need him. I do look forward to Mett and some of our young WRs burning his little...
23-10 Tigas!!! :tigereye:
very cool picture! Water Spaniel? good looking pup
I wish. Of all the dang ducks I've ever shot I still have yet to get a band. The first duck I bagged was a hen blue wing teal, when I was 16....
This is from Monday's hunt (5 hollywoods, 2 bwt, 1 wigeon, 1 Cinnamon teal) [IMG] Better shot of the Cinnamon. This is the only time I have...
Those do make for an interesting finish, especially if your lady likes facepaint..........
Trust me, it comes in handy. Did you get the link I posted? Also, buy him a few D rings to clip the decoys together. I recommend putting a...
I believe he is talking about using a "Texas Rig" to attach the weights to his decoys. You can get them from Academy or Bass Pro. Make sure you...
Man, that is awesome! Only other thing that comes close for me is when i was hunting with my uncle and we had just unloaded and dropped some...
This morning just Chelsea and I went out: [IMG] [IMG] 4 Wigeon (3 drakes, 1 hen). They came in 1 flock of about 30 birds, that I had been...
Last Friday's hunt: 1 pintail and 1 gadwall. We had a flock of gads who wanted to comit, but one of the guys' dog flared them by trying to run...
Excellent post CC. I also agree with some of the others that Hilliard will play a bigger role this round. #27 running behind the blocking of...
I figured that would be a show stopper. :hihi:
I know exactly where that is! I typically go to Hackberry twice a year for some redfish action. The red population (and slot, consequently) in...
Congrats to Boise on winning a meaningless bowel game against a terrible opponenent. Pssst, hey Boise if you want to be relevant.........join...
How much of a threat was Al Quieda until it took down the World Trade Center???
[IMG] Chels and I made pretty quick work of the ducks this morning. Limited in just over 1 hr. 3 gads, 2 spoonies, and 1 mottled duck. It...
Nice! I have been seeing a lot of grays here too. A lot of young ones.