My bad! I must of still had my buzz on when I saw the tape. I was wrong, wrong, wrong. He was on his knee and he didn't look. What a buzz I...
I listened to the Miles show tonight and Les said that Ducet will not be ready for this game. He said he expected him to be ready for Auburn.
look at the tape. Flynn was off of his knee. Also it wasn't a no look pitch like the media says. He looked then he pitched. He was off of his...
Have any of you heard of the train trip to Memphis? I hear it is great but no one can provide information on it. I hear they have a bus that...
don't you just hate that! Michigan?? Hee hee.....
Settle down Joe, we got your point. I totally agree with you.
Have been to the Swamp many times. I was there when LSU got their butts stomped. They had Florida fans with their keys shaking in my face...
I almost fell on the floor when i read this artical. Damn Greenie winnie! The head lines on the front page of the sports section reads,...
number one in my heart and who cares what everyone else thinks. They have always been number one imo.
What were you doing when this was goind on? We have to stand up to this. Great writing skills by the way. I felt like I was reading a book....
Put them in Death Valley and see how they act. I agree with you on the not all young students or LSU fans act this way. I thought that was a given.
I have been to just tons of traveling games and I have to disagree with you. LSU stands out as a bad egg. Maybe it's because we drink so damn...
I appreciate you comments, but I live in N.O. I know what to expect!:grin:
I know it happens every year. They always have these up standing students ? Who wear the FU shirts and make it a point to drown out the crowd...
If he passed for 400 yards a game and he had a bad game being 385 yards, you would still down the guy. He is doing fine! We haven't lost a game!...
We have some major games ahead of us. Florida, Auburn, Kentucky... and the list goes on. LSU needs to tighten their jocks and come to play for...
hee heee.... you said MF. I never looked at it that
I'm not! This is SEC football. It happened last year to LSU and Florida. Any given day no mater what team in the SEC they can take you down. I...
wow, that Alluvian looks great. I will keep that in mind for a later trip outside of football If i bring my wife there before the...
Tickets are easy to find online. I will try some of the places you suggested. Thanks for the help.