I have sat in the Upper West before and my current seats are in the Upper East. The new 32 degree angle is much better. It was kinda scary in the...
I second that.:thumb:
Best Lazer Tag Player: Chris Johnson - he hides into tiny cracks, because the gun is practically bigger than his thighs. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:...
Got a link to the article? LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU!
Just goes to show that you should hold any judgement on what a player will do until you get him in a system. It is almost impossible to know what...
I bet that kid is hilarious off the court. LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU!
But then again...Aren't most successful coaches "a little psycho?" :rofl: LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU!
Nah, I live about 25 minutes away from Ruston (in West Monroe.) I still think I will make the 3.5 hour trip every weekend for Tiger home games....
Reb isn't even a "closet fan" he is an outright Tiger fan who just hasn't realized it yet:thumb: LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU!
Thanks Okie, I wil check there.:thumb:
Just wondering if there would be any interest out there. If so, I will get a league started up. If someone already has a TF league in place, could...
You should have come here first. It would have been money well spent.:thumb: Just joking with ya. Welcome to the boards. LSU! LSU! LSU!...
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU!
So Hawker...Does this mean you guys are going to hang on to Alford? Has he burned any bridges at Iowa yet?
Holy Crap, you have got to be one of the oldest people I have ever met. Congrats for making it this far. LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU!
I voted for the Gators simply because I want to see ho wthey would react to a close, nail-biting game on as big a stage as the NC game. Also, I...
He wants to rip out their hearts and eat their children...oh wait, that was Mike Tyson...nevermind.:hihi: LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU!
No doubt. One of his blocks, from the A&M game I believe, was so sick that my wife turned to me and asked if what T-Thomas did was legal or not....
The reason Texas DID NOT get any calls down low is because Aldridge was too intimidated to post up in the paint and attack the basket. Instead he...
Thanks guys, I have it dowloaded now. :thumb: LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU! LSU!