It was scripted in what they said. May went from LSU to OU in 40 minutes then once the bowl was announced jumped to LSU will beat OSU. They had 30...
Here is a thought: Kirk was reporting what Michigan was going to do; not Miles. Kirk reported that Miles would be named football coach this...
Oh hell, let the guys have fun they earned it. It was fun to watch them get excited.
Yeah but at least OU made it to their championship game.
Only problem with Saban coming back is if he will lie to us again. Other than that, it would be pretty fun to see the nuclear meldown in Bama. It...
Geeze man, people need to get a grip. LSU is 10-2 about to go 11-2 and be SEC champions.
Do not change the offense and allow the kid to throw the ball. Maulk the 2nd coming will not beat Tenn this year...
Re: Saban in Baton Rouge? Yeap, the is a good coach. He can rehabilitate his reputation at LSU or Bama.
Re: Rodriguez... Chuck Norris does not coach, he directs...
People would be crazy not to consider him for the job. Spurrier, Saban and other will be at the top of the list of replacements. It would give LSU...
Re: Bad Blood if Les Loses and Leaves Actually it would be best if both men leave after SECCG. The bowl game can be handled by chucko the clown....
Well too many conspiracy theories. Do you think it helps him to get a job with LSU's defense performing badly? I do not think so.... Face it, the...
Do you think Hawaii has the overall team speed like LSU?
Rumors, but ESPN is reporting that Osborn is flying to Baton Rouge, not Pelini to Lincoln. I am sure he will have a good interview over a lunch or...
I can tell you this, last friday Ark was the better team because they won. I agree with the 4th and 10, to not blitz Dick was NUTTS.... I was...
what he said...
Dorsey was not a liabilty, he was not as affective as we know he can be. His back problems may be a result of his knee problem and maybe he should...
Question I would ask is his height and hands. If he is over 6' which he looks like he is, they may want to consider him for a receiver.
well when the going gets tough, saban's agent gets going....
normally i would agree but that 13pts per game was before the adoption of the spread offense in the SEC. I believe the Defensive Coordinators are...