Re: Glenn Dorsey wins Lombardi Award lets hope the awards keep coming for him through Jan 8. I would say that MVP would be a nice one... :-)
I think Bo will do great at Nebraska, but I do not think he can be successful long term in the SEC with his defensive philosophy. You need to get...
Nickname given the defense for the 1958 championship team
I bet they did not catch him at full sprint! LOL
Mike the Tigers habitat is nicer than my house. I applaud LSU for finally doing something about the old cage a few years back; which was creul for...
An tell me what in our recent history leads you to this conclusion... Geeze....
awsome, got any SEC CHAMPION VERSIONS?
My first thought was that he felt an oppurunity for redemption. I believe he blames himself for the Ark loss andhow he played in the first half. I...
Forget the score and talent when we play Tulane. They always play us very tough.
lsu does not report injuries.
I think if LSU was in a playoff this year we would not make it to the end. The month off will allow our guys to heal up...
Florida BIIIIIIIGGGGG. No way Michigan can play with Florida. Everyone is thinking Teebow but Percy may set some single game records.
I think Pelini is gone for good, as it should be. I wish him the best of luck until he plays the tigers.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I think I remember RP was NOT coming to LSU if Saban was the coach. Miles was instrumental in recuiting him......
what i am hoping that we get healthy and everyone remembers our last 2 regular season performances. I just think with a healthy dline, those...
I think Blacklege said it best, LSU is forced into many more zone coverages becuase our safties are not as good as last year with man2man pass...
I do not think Ohio is afraid. I think you have some good points about spreading the defense out. My question about OSU vs Flordia last year is...
I do not want to many more of these articles, the team just does not need to believe they are going to roll-up OSU because they are playing in NO....
To be honest, anyone watching the SECCG who knows the tigers would have seen Mile's players all over the field. We were getting 2 and 3 deep in...
I think this is EXACTLY what happened. I have no doubt he was going to be offered Michigan and he was going to take it. I think he was trying to...