I'm in for $5 or any amount you feel like losing and yes I also take paypal so live it up!
That and the Pats cutting him speak volumes. IMO NFLE is overrated or maybe folks just think everyone will be a Warner in the NFL just becasue...
no prob TigerJohn :hihi:
As with most if not all the local talk markets in the country.
:lol: Yes thats why the only way J. Kelly was able to get soccer talk was to buy it once a week. :hihi: and yes Cowherd is the best on the air...
ac/dc was banned from being listened to in zachary, damn baptists... It's tha devil music, I tell ya. :hihi: :hihi:
MIke I 1936-56 Mike II 56-58 Mike III 58-76 Mike IV 76-90 Mike V 90 - present Mike II was born 2/28/56 at the Audubon Zoo in N.O. He was the son...
Ripping you and enjoying the show can go together, or do you want your callers to be scrappy homers? The TJ on the other site isn't the guy who...
Scrap sorry to break it to you but TigerJohn doesn't call in under different names. The fella who does has said he is TigerJohn once or twice only...
I don't see Saban picking up Ro. If Saban goes after another qb he will go after one that will be an immediate upgrade. Sorry but thats not Ro. He...
So I ask you again, what does zachary have that makes it more special that gueydan? Are the zachary hicks more eloquent than the ones in Gueydan?...
No kidding. You guys need to do some screaning of your own. That guy PJ, ummm k is every other word out of that clowns mouth. You need more...
Since you seem to think Zachary is the **** please tell us what exactly does Zachary have to offer tourists?? Outside of a golf course what is...
Ben Jobe?
Our Angola prisoners can out rodeo their prisoners anyday!:hihi:
Stop now, Zachary has a super walmart, a Chili's (which sent the town into a tizzy that is still going strong and Knott's Meats, home of the...
Sorry but "perception" plays less than a tiny part in "what is wrong" with this state. Sadly reality steals the show from perception. I...
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
NO as in HELL NO!