The wnba would be a good job. Not many college grads make much more than 42k, if that right out of the box these days. yes some do but I bet the...
Thats a joke. MOST of the really talented college athletes use college purely as a stepping stone to the big $$$ of the pros. If that were not the...
yeah that will show em won't it ol'tool. It's very obvious you don't watch much college sports. THis ol'tool thread is a classic ol'tool verbal...
You have been living here since you were what 8 or 9. You were raised here son. Hell you can't remember half of the nine you lived in 7 other...
ummm I guess you don't read what you post rainman.
Ok so based on what you are saying I think it's fair to say you scrappy are being dickslapped in this thread. I am sorry I am posting that but...
You are jealous, why else would you do what you do? You'r ebig on shooting your mouth off and then attempting to retract your words with what are...
Part of the reason people react to what you say and how you say it is becasue EVERYONE knows you truly want to see LSU do poorly whnever possible...
Yes scrappy almost pee'd his pants with joy as the game unfolded. LSU was losing and not looking good, thats heaven for scrapster. Funny how he...
wafb reported the same thing.
IMO that means nothing in regard to their overall financial status. She made the trip to atl. and stayed with friends. From an interview I say...
Just crossed your mind eh scrappy?? yeah right, it crossed your mind while your were picking your pea brain for something negative, non positive...
PJ is a moron and his wife kathy sounds like she is sauced when she calls. mfp well what can i say, IDIOT!! all 3 are station changers for me.
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: and then making half hearted, backhanded admissions of being wrong. a classic scrappy moment compliments of todays...
ahhhh yes you have audio of your crawfishin but not of you shooting your mouth off, what a shock. it's quite typical of you to run your mouth,...
Looks like slim just stormed into town with 0 on his back!!! Geaux Tigers. scrappy you definetly saidn LSU had NO CHANCE. Once again you're...
That may be true but another truth is that you are STILL an IDIOT!!!
I'm Tulane Larry :hihi:
Yes how ironic and moronic too.:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
WOW you just don't stop do you... you inside source :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: you're giving scrappy a run for his money in the clueless...