thats been my outlook on it too.. Arren't there only three or four other coaches in the current SEC that have been arround longer than saban? With... Check out that link, it's got time lapse video of the removal of the old upper deck :)
What are you on drugs? I'm a ****ing student at LSU, go to EVERY home game, and live in tigerland. Yeah, i'm a dolphins fan alright. Just because...
Thats awfully classy of you man, thanks :)
They're still in deconstruction (Which sucks, because that means less parking for next semester). I live in tigerland and drive by it every day....
You're right, i'm 100% a newbie "azz-clown" as you put it. I'm sorry if i'm not nieve enough to belive conjecture over fact, but then again...
Bertman can't control what saban does, but he can control the money he gets. skip is saban's boss. i can't make my employer give me more money,...
you're in quite a position, because the only way to prove you wrong is to see what happens, so untill there's a PC you very well might be right....
Do you really want to make a retarded $10 bet as to whether saban will get more money for staying? if you do, i'm down. You can feel free to...
Yeah, fix't, i suck at names :(
Bertman has said numerous times that if saban stays it is because he wants to be here, not because of a renegociated contract. It's impossible for...
First, it's always been known that Saban and his family like it here, and that his family doesn't want to leave. Second, Burtman wouldn't lie in...
I've got a "Thoery" too. You should learn to spell.
Versus posting bogus "picket fence" conjecture and acting like it's from a reputable source?
JJ is doing no more than benchracing a coaching job. He can say all he wants, but where's he now? Bertman makes it clear that it's not about money, which is what we all know already. It's a pretty...
Honestly, where the hell are people getting this stuff? I mean seriously, do you honestly think that "the cousin of the butler" would overhear...
Spurrier went to south carolina be cause he wants to build a football program and retire on it. LSU's already got a big program. He wouldn't want...
Jeff, you're totally right about the atmosphere here, compared to that of the NFL. Saban's wife and kids have told him several times before that...