good call last week on this thread
thats about the gist of it... better than watching no games then making a prediction about their skill level. win big win small... win is a win...
who says VT's D is so great? the same people who said michigan is #5? I watched the game.. there D is not that great. I'm not sure I'd be...
I will agree with the 34-10. I think our O will easily put up 30 on vt's D. I also think VT will have a very very very hard time scoring. 10...
does sirius have something that can compete with Ethel and Lucy... cuz I buy XM soley for those 2 channels. XM isnt going anywhere... they just...
Good. I'm over climbing the ranks to the top. I want the tigers to come in at the top... dominate all... and finish at the top. I think we are...
he watched the LSU vs FL film and saw what was necessary to let FL win
maybe ND will be all fired up from everybody talking down on them and they will make it respectable for 2 quarters instead of 1.
Ok so I want to get a tally of how much money USC cost each of us by not being able to finish off an unranked ucla. I changed my flights out of...
usc you just cost me $300 in plane tickets in the trash can. USC I HOPE YOU BURN! I HOPE MICHIGAN BEATS YOU BY 70000000 POINTS YOU SONS OF ...........
i think if we have a playoff system it will be some top 4 playoff type system which still invites the same controvery of people being left out who...
mich would be ranked #3 so i think the rose still wants the highest ranked teams it can get. plus the big 10 relationship.
i pray to the god of the media hype to let michigan drum up enough support to sustain their #2 ranking
as a college football fan id like another team to have a shot at OSU... as an LSU fan who already laid down non-refundable money to go to the...
we should know pretty well when the polls come out in the AM. where is ISTIL with his BCS numbers crunching
im concerned that the voters already showed by way of moving USC up to #2 that they don't want a OSU v Mich rematch. Yet at the same time. Alot of...
only according to idiotic announcers on tv.....
goooo piggsss!!! bump us to #3 or #4 please! im pretty sure if we are 3 or 4 and usc is the pac10 champ as the other 3/4 team them we get the...
come on mcfadden!!!!! wake up and run the damn ball!
yes hes crazy