i hope Randy70 has come back to this thread. yes, the LHSAA is more reactionary than we'd like, but isn't that true with Most things/people?...
what if the top 16 (or 8) teams play their playoff (which i am for), and the other bowls- those not affiliated with the playoff- gets to pick from...
i'm sorry, but i don't slurp gumbo. but i might try now. :wink: i hope the people from .... looking for clever locale jab, but even Nebraska...
when a team is on suspension (bama, kentucky... now moo state), they don't get bowl money. the team making the bowl gets around 40% before...
i'm glad you pointed that out, friday. when are all of the (obviously Smarter-than-thou) hollywoodians getting the heck out of our country?...
i think batgirl brings up the best point about not playing on a thursday night. hasn't everyone noticed how Tiger Stadium is in the middle of...
it's all in the state... if there is another Big university in your state, then you (university) want to always look better than them. it's true...
personally, i like the :oldskule: and the :tigerhead . and no, i don't think we should put the 'kitty face' on the side of the helmets, as...
i wonder how much bubble screen/jail break screen action we'll see this year. i would say less. Clayton and Henderson i think were better...
Berge, maybe you could consider the stocks and bonds business? let me know the good money-makers?
tru dat, batgrl i've been to the LSU store in the Hammond Aire center... they do have a good selection of stuff. MPF
see, i'm going to be at a cross-country meet tomorrow morning, so going to Tiger Mania will probably not work. do you mean the sports store...
All of you N.O. fans, and really anyone else, I need some new Tiger goods, and I'm in the Met. i know of tyger gifts next to lakeside mall,...
students have no money. and that's the sad part. the money (for refurbishments, additions, etc.) Has to come from somewhere. and as long as...
not to dis him or anything, but Brazell got 8th in the finals.... he'd do better than me, that's for sure. i know, it was just those stupid...
nat'l hurricane center says... Swerved, have you checked out the NHC's latest (5 eastern) track? it has it heading about WNW across florida,...
corndog, Randall's first game was the Cock fight of 2002 (when U south carolina came to Tiger Stadium). he played well (thanks wideouts)---...
not this year... because i've graduated. i held the line from 2000-2003... i guess my time was up. She (another mello of old) got tickets from...
well, i'd rather pay only face value for a ticket, and i should only have to buy 1, and then i'll Get to the student section. but besides, how...
in the same boat... i feel your pain. i have no ticket either. my girlfriend has a student ticket, but i couldn't get one. :confused: if...