I feel like a circus performer, shamelessly pandering for applause ... oh well, take what you can get. Gracias. Heck for all I know the dude's...
Grazie, grazie.
LSU wins 84-76. Darnell Lazare fan club however, incensed by his lack of PT, mars Coach Brady's postgame interview by hurling insults at him.
Man, tough room! (tap tap) Is this thing on? Testing, testing ... I mean honestly, why do I waste my time posting great material? (Dead silence)
Whoa there. I see where you're coming from. I agree, the team is loaded and should win 9-12 games. But consider, there are several teams in...
I once saw a woman on Bourbon Street that looked exactly like Chris Owens, but it turned out to be a MAN, BAYBEE! Are you sure you didn't see a...
If Chow does move to the NFL, I wonder if the TV broadcasts will constantly break away to shots of him sitting up in the coach's booth, w/ the...
In basketball, I'd say it's still Kentucky. I attended LSU from 78 to 82, great basketball years, did very well against UK. I hated them (still...
So his parents are idiots, that's his problem. He comes to LSU, they're LSU's problem. The parents obviously don't have a handle on the...
Another SEC win ... but let me guess -- "Georgia sucks," "Should have won by more," "Bench did not contribute." Um, I'm in Ohio but I'm...
I didn't think that was anything new, I had heard/read several times that his mother did not like Saban. His HS coach liked Miles, if you'll...
Who is it? If it's not Campeaux, are Tiger fans in for a big letdown? If it's one of the SB teams coaches, the Pats have two excellent...
There is a lot of quality in this recruiting class. Obviously, signing Perrilloux was huge, w/o him, I think most Tiger fans would be...
You make good points. And I'm thinking, my sources of info are probably not too different from folks living in BR and NO -- the TP, MA, DD,...
I'm an N.O. boy --- I'm not spending $$ on an ATLANTA jersey, even if it is Pistol Pete. Again, I'm positive he had "Pistol" on the back of his...
Yeah, that's it. Like I said, it's a pretty good quality jersey, but I hardly think authentic. I think the black instead of purple is incorrect....
Let me explain. I am in the Air Force, stationed at Wright-Patt AFB in Dayton OH. The only way I can keep up w/ LSU stuff is this forum, other...
My all-time favorite athlete in any sport, anytime, anywhere. I was too young to see him play at LSU, but did see him play a lot w/ the N.O. Jazz...
Are you kidding?! You are, right? Of course I've been known to be in leftfield on some things (I didn't know Jessica Simpson and Willie...
What do you disagree with? That Knight is a complete jerk? Would you really want your kid playing for him? What was the name of the kid (Neil...