I was passing through B.R today, and I heard a song about Saban. Something with the Hillbillies. Does anyone know where I can get a copy of that?...
a schedule with the Bowl game dates?
I know that and I fill the same way. It is just the ideal.
Did anyone hear Josh Booty? He was talking about USC, and then was ask where he went to school. Naturally ne said LSU but then said he is a trojan...
Score please
I tryed PMing you back but my box is full, WHAT EVER. I will tell him, and I know that girl as well.
Yes, I know Kyle and Sean, Kyle is the youngest.:thumb:
Thanks that was an excellent job. GO TIGERS Now do you know what channel the BBall game is on?
What is the score now?
Who do they play next? Or, are they out of the tournament.:helmet:
I thought she was married to a man.
What I do not like is the spelling of his name. It should be (Thibeaux).:cuss:
How many here think that if J.R goes to the NFL and M.F is our starting Q.B, that Saban trys to get R.P to go to Alabama?
Does anyone know how I can get it in the Lake Charles area. The paper says pay-per-view but I do not know what channel it is on. HELP PLEASE
this awesume. i am in japan and people are congradulating me like i just done something. like one guy said, this is a win for the state of...
What is the score?
Keep me informed I am in an airport in Japan and this is killing me. I should be in Dallas watching but I missed my flight.:cry:
I'm on pools for the womens games. I don't have LSU, but I have Staford, Duke, and Michigan St. I want to win the money but I can't bring myself...
Thanks smart ass. You must be the perfect one.
Sometimes it is nice to just sit back and read some of the stuff that goes on. But other times you just need to say just a little bit to get...