Close enough. Its called a Swage block and its used by blacksmiths to shape metal. Here is one with more recognizable shapes. [IMG]
I suppose it could go on a 2 foot 19 barrel carb, but no.
[IMG] Its made of steel, approx 2'X2' And I'm a dude...
Looks like the casing for a fireworks mortar shell.
Do the Carnies use it to pull up tent pegs when they leave town?
is it the little dealy bopper thing that snapping turtles use to lure fish in close?
close enough, its a spring compressor tool for the door hinge of GM trucks. [IMG]
Its about 6-8 inches long, so unless it's this guy's, no. [IMG]
Probably too easy, [IMG]
is it part of a larger machine? It looks like it could be some sort of feeder, like feeding can lids on an assembly line.
Buried phone cable stripping machine?
Here is a link to the original article. Florida Gators WR Deonte Thompson sounds happy to usher in post-Tebow era Everyone seems to be...
They don't have to travel all that well. This part of Florida is filthy with Big 10 transplants.
Danny Wuerffel Was also thinking Chris Weinkie, but I believe he won it in 99 and Oklahoma beat them, not in 2000 when they beat VT.
I guess I really don't understand why this guy is bitter. Well, that's not entirely true. I understand the call for a playoff, shouldn't the...
Who knows... Maybe its a motivation thing. If the second team hangs with the first team it might spur them on and work harder to take the...
It looks like he was injured for the end of the 2002 season, if that was what you were asking about. Link
He was on Tampa Bay's team in 2002 and played in 10 games during that season.
That's good advice but, as I found out when I slipped into the ranks of the no-money havin' non-subscribin' cheap bastages, the search...
FSU - and believe it or not, most of them believe it creates an intimidating atmosphere for the opposing offense.