Jason's Deli - Club Royale on a croissant, of course.
Let us look in the ever-glorious search function... (screen fades away into a magic crystal ball - mist surrounds) I guess Tennessee didn't even...
That's why I like Dauphin Street. Because I tend to keep myself "clean." :grin:
I can throw my hat into the Garage ring, too. When in town we would start there and then walk down Dauphin Street to the main bar area... good...
Again, why must you post stuff like this? Besides, I haven't heard a thing about anybody wanting UA to forfeit this game but you. You haven't been...
A bottle of water and some cheez-its. Oh yeah, also some Fuze. That's some good stuff.
How can you really say that? Are you involved in the investigation or are you listening and subscribing to hearsay?
While UT is not good, it is still a win against a SEC opponent. An opponent that was heavily picked as the favorite in the game even by some on...
Even if they are suspended, I think we saw that their replacements played pretty well in their absence. It is not nearly a fatal blow.
Hell, I should get him to sell my books for me. Maybe the bookstores will finally take my books back.
I've heard the same about you, TB3. You also smell like the sewage plant on River Road. :hihi: Thank you.
Yes, I am. I have lurked here for a while and recently decided to get more active on here.
I wouldn't go that far. If you look at this year's commitments, it's shifted back to UA.
Yes, and its not even close. The talent on defense saved us that year. We could have easily lost 2-3 more games. Our staff is an upgrade in...
Anyone that thinks 11 wins with that schedule is bad is crazy. Btw, nice forum. :thumb:
I think they were named the champion in one of the polls. I think it was the AP Poll.