As great as that block was, I still don't feel good about OT.
Stick a fork in us.
It's only a matter of time before Bama blows this game open.
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please...
That went well.
Holy Threet.
wow, what the f**k was that s***?
ugh, what the heck were we doing?
i can has sum pas protection?
haha nice punt
Nevermind, I'm an idiot.
Secondary was just OK, we got bailed out a lot by dropped passes.
Great, now I have to get up early... And no HD. :cry:
Twas great, can't wait for the playoffs!
No, free. I thought it was 25, but no one said anything.
:wave: Not the most newsworthy of all things, but I don't the chance to get any autographs around here, but he was atendding the Mudbugs game...