whellll...THAT is just about bassakwards
I must confess... to someone.... I ate 2 of those soft oreo-cake thingys before I went out to run and it was ONLY 7:45 am!!!!......I cussed myself...
Collie Buddz
[ agreed...esp. since she is THE one running for office...Hilliary's a putz (just my opinion)...I think what we can take away from this,...
Tiga.....whhhhaaattttsssupppp...got sum time on ur hands last nite ur what? And how many times do I have to tell you...I DO NOT like pictures of...
I was really suprised b/c she is a great speaker...I am going to asume the moment caught up w/ her, but she needs to be careful b/c this could...
my fish sucked..it was fishy...gross...how can I live in Fla. and have crappy fish? and I got it at the seafood market...not the grocery...
Soooo in other words you're JUS SAYIN' ;)...everyone should lighten the hell up??!!
Hey, I've been wondering that too....never heard from him after Mardi Gras...was it something I said?:huh:
Re: Update on Jay-B I just read the latest entry...disgusting and deceitful .....$250,000 gets you absolutley nada
Masterminds fish talk, on the other thread inspired me.... Tonite...Sea Bass...
And what exactly do you, sir, mean by pullin' tricks? note non-use of quotes...keeping tirk calm
Stop that now...no ones here to gimme the Heimlich...you two don't want to be responsible for my choking to death! :rofl:
I'm sittin' here noshin' on Oreo's...waiting for some lazy azz sprinkler repair dude...whom by the way, I BELIEVE has stood me up...when I came...
Keith Urban
Man...I gotta think quicker!
Thanx..back at ya' Ahh, we have to share our pool...crazy dawg!