Without question Grease...the original....love Rizzo
I love him as much as anybody, but that would have to be a bit more than a "bump" dontcha think? unless he's got osteoporosis or something......
Ok, you are correct.....can we all agree both have a certain niceness to them??! Each are different, yet unique in their own right which is why.....
Jim Jones...since everyone's always lappin' up that kool-aid !
[IMG]Jarrett Lee hmm, not bad got potiental, needs maturing :hihi: [IMG]
OK...lights off, tv off, dawgs crated... kids got some nasty cough and barkin' like a seal (hope it don't keep ya' up)..husband snoring is...
or his DNA
ya' never know...he may fly a top secret misson in a hostile land, be taken prisoner and his interrogators may look up his time on TF and say "Mr....
You have to spread it out ...like I tell tiga...don't use all your tokens at one time! They'll last longer that way! :lol:
Funny timing..just came acros this in my inbox.....
don't be pullin' the ethnic card now...take you over to free speech and...:lol:
I meant her AGE....she's found the fountain of youth or my future plastic surgeon....just incase
Funny you BEAT me to it..I was thinking something like "spankin' the monkey" or 'Flauggin' the dolphin".......:rolleye33:
Bill Cosby
ohhh you don't even wanna know....I got stories that could straighten batgirls hair! I've since reformed myself to the fine upstanding citizen you...
I saw that and thought the same thing...check out McCain's wife....she's holdin' up well...
What men do with the time on their hands for.....$1000 Alex:lol:
I was thinkin' the same thing...they should open it up throughout the SEC...make all teams plates available in each state but OT...you know the Fl...