For what it's worth, I saw Lee after the game and he seemed to be in good spirits. Not sure if it was just a show but he was glad to pose with me...
Awesome read, u can almost feel the life sucking out of em lol!
I gots da chills watchin that :hihi:
Lou's gray matter has long since turned brown
Where is God @ while all this is going on. The more I see this world going down the toilet, the more I ask myself that question..
Very sad
nice one freak :hihi:
ROFL!! New to me, I liked it :hihi:
Ar-kansas by a mile because I get to hear about it all year long :bncry:
sickening :bncry:
We'll be headed down from northeast Ar-kansas. I have to admit though, LSU seems to loose every time I go to see em against the piggies :bncry:
geaux tigers!!!!!
get a few cold burrs in ya and u may change ur tune :rofl:
Typical FB call :bncry: Best Caller Ever - YouTube
Man, I can't stand PF. He has the worst callers. They all sound like they're inbred. [IMG]
Turnovers and field position will be the deciding factors. These clearly favor LSU. We will jump out early, they will make a run, but we will...
Is gary and vern callin this game?
Sorry can't help ya but it did remind me of this clip :thumb: Sound Like you from London - Full - YouTube
I'm feelin it too!!