Just to make it clear. Bama kicked from the 27, 33, and 31 yard lines in the first half. LSU Tigers vs. Alabama Crimson Tide - Play By Play -...
It's the typical 3-way tie argument, each team can make the argument if a team they beat ends up ahead of them. The bottom line is that someone...
sugarlsu, I am going to respectfully disagree. The NCAA still does not crown a National Champion, even the BCS champion. The BCS was established...
Yes, the AP poll is still in affect, though many consider it secondary to the coach's poll since the coach's poll is part of the BCS. In my...
What in the world are you talking about?
Oh, OK, I've got it now. The answer is still NO. :)
OK, I'll leave you alone. You are just too easy!
Uh, NO!
You sound like my wife when she is PMS'ing, try some Midol.
?????? In the post BCS era LSU will be automatic National Champions - if they win out.
What's your problem? Are you hung over? I was just having a little fun. :hihi:
Oh, but it just isn't "fair" that Clemson should have to play VT again for the championship! VT had their shot and lost in the regular season....
It is not a foregone conclusion that LSU will be "done" if you lose to Arkansas. The computer polls, and some humans, my still favor LSU over...
Yes, Bama fans know how lonely it can be at the top. You have our sympathy. :cry:
don't count your rosters just yet. You still have to slop the hogs! ;)
Bama has a funny history against MSU. We have almost always been the stronger team, but MSU plays us TOUGH, and sometimes comes up with the win....
Cade, there is no need for you to excuse your fellow fans. LSU had the better team that day. If we played the same teams, and coaching staffs,...
I'm not a coach, just an avid fan. But I do feel like Bama was playing "tight" for the better part of the game, especially on offense. Now, that...
Apology excepted, and thank you! To everyone else, I was doing nothing more than giving credit to Coach Les Miles. I was not making excuses....
OK, nevermind.