Well, I haven't given this much thought. I've mainly just been having a hankerin' lately.:hihi: I don't know if any of you are familiar, but...
Yeah, well, my wife is a descendant of Marie LeVeaux!
Ahh, you need to brush up on your Louisiana history, mon frere!:yelwink2:
It's a cultural "thing." A lot of the Cajun-French names/words that phonetically make the hard "o" sound are spelled -eaux.
So, management is resigned to a rebuilding/retooling year. Well, I guess it beats the alternative...(Houston) :insane:
Oh, and what's the deal with KMOX 1120 AM not broadcasting the games anymore?!
What do you think about bringing Jeff Weaver back for that 5th spot in the rotation? I read somewhere that the management isn't ruling it out....
lucky man, shane! I've often daydreamed of living close enough to StL so that I could catch a majority of the games. I did see online where the...
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to making it to the new park, too. Last time I was at Busch they were actually working on the new stadium just...
Since when is New Orleans a huge city??
Hey, fanatic, how'd you make out on the Pats-Jets game?
The Cards have some minor league roots in New Orleans, so I'm just curious to see if there are any other generational fans out there such as myself.
Well, I think the Saints and the Patriots were picked by most to be in the Super Bowl this year. How amazing would it be if the Saints could...
seriously doubt it
Mac man here!:thumb: I haven't been able to purchase my new MacPro desktop yet, but hasn't the array of universal software widened as of late?
huh... my first try (using the BCS seedings) I got LSU vs. OSU with LSU taking the title! :crystal: :geaux:
A warm "thank you" to whomever I owe it for the Tiger Forums membership! :thumb: :geaux: :crystal:
Oh man, that sucks. Did you request Ft. Campbell?
Lucky you! I just had a buddy PCS who was with 1-32. I'm with 3rd BSTB (UAV).
I would say that inking your name to a contract extension makes you a little more committed.