I ordered the game through Comcast for $21.95 on college gameplan
This loss for KU is VERY possible...OSU has beat them the last 4 times or something like that.
Man u know he had too. It was like not even one inch man.
Na but man...they were tossing helmets down there! :milesmic: = :crystal:
YUP!! Big ten sucks! Now all we gotto do, like u said...take care of business and we are definitely in the NCG.
NO WAY. Oregon has a by...we only gain points
YES!!!!! go fighting zooks!!!!!! :milesmic: = :crystal:
Alright baby the bucks might just tumble!! I know yall are watching this. :milesmic: = :crystal:
Perhaps u mean Jimmy the Roman??
I dont see how this is even a debate. I was under the impression that it was widely known that the SEC was the toughest conf. in the nation,...
LOL, this is true my friend.
Ya but this is college football, not Iraq.
Not MY source. As I said, i read about this spurrier thing last night. If any of u want to read the posts go to tigerbait.com. I believe the...
ya there u go carface...HAHA...the flightlogs...they mentioned that too on tigerbait. Hey man dont shoot the messanger im just telling it like i...
Dude, your alittle late with this post. I started a discussion on tigerforums about this last night. I had read on tigerbait.com that 2 guys...
Ya i should have read above posts before asking, sorry for the retard move fellas. Its been a sh***y monday.
Does anybody else out there acknowledge the possibility of Michigan beating the Buckeyes and the Jayhawks losing to Missouri? Unfortunetly Oregon...
Is it even possible for Oregon to jump us because we play an extra game that they dont? And i expect missouri to beat kansas and take care of the...
Ya i saw that Buck and his crazy posts on here last night. It takes good character to come on here and apologize for someone u dont even know in...
Ya i read this is thing...rediculous. Thanks for the support (means alot coming from a Gator this season...seriously)