It was those dang cowbells!!!!:lol:
Thats what I thought:thumb:
Oh boo hoo.....let have their didn't last..... ROFLMAO!!!:hihi:
First off......whose Erin Andrews and/or HOlly Rowe (female sportscasters?) I never thought about it but Matt Flynn does look lots of Matt Damon...
Not everyone was impressed. What about that ESPN dude?? No respect I tell ya!!!:po:
I know my ole 40 (almost 41) azz can't hang!!! I did take a LT and drank a few and also have a 2 yr old whose been sick lately....oh yea and a...
Re: Is Doug Flutie, Well...Retarded? Yeah, I was complaining to my ole man that they (ESPN) were glorifying Notre Dame before the game started...
The offensive line made me nervous the first quarter but the defense kept me optimistic and it paid off. Flynn did look poised when he was...
Ring my bellllllllllllllllllllllll......ring my bell (singing)>>>>LOL
Dang on it!!! I've been waiting for 3 years to watch RP play and i went to bed after LSU scored 24!!! Glad to hear he was good though!!! Hope...