A feature article on Early in this morning's AZ Republic. Early Doucet right on time for the Cardinals
Looks like Rolle is trying to back off a little from his bullitin board comment about Breese after the GB game. Cardinals' Antrel Rolle clears up...
Or maybe a spot at USC? Rumor is they are looking for assistant coaches.:hihi:
Man! That is pretty much the definition of sleeze. So I guess in the next year or so his next move is going to be to Washington DC? He would...
I think USC did it to try to save THEIR recruiting class for this year. At Saturday's AAA game three 5 star recruits backed off of their USC...
Re: PLAYOFFS-Saints Vs Cardinals DO NOT depend on this guy having an off game. He is basically an immobile robot. He is a perfectionist much like...
He has looked like a real good back for them with good speed & power. His problem has been fumbles. For a while they had him carrying a football...
Re: PLAYOFFS-Saints Vs Cardinals I hope the Vikings win and get banged up doing it. I don't particularly want to see the Cowboys right now. They...
Re: PLAYOFFS-Saints Vs Cardinals Well he is going to get his chance on Saturday. Wonder what he'll say after that game. Actually the beast in...
Re: PLAYOFFS-Saints Vs Cardinals This is so true. I've seen posts where fans were hoping he has an off day. Don't bet the rent money on it. He...
Re: PLAYOFFS-Saints Vs Cardinals I think it's going to be a shootout as well. An advantage we have is all of our banged up defense has been...
I hope the same thing as I said I'm a born & raised LSU/Saints fan. My advantage is I can report a lot of little things about the Cards that don't...
I just figured that a lot of the Saints fans were also LSU fans like me so they might be interested. Especially since we aren't playing this...
Besides screaming LSU they had a closeup of him on the sideline and he has LSU painted on his eye black. Looks like a solid commit.:)
2009 simply wasn't a bad year of LSU football. 2010 won't be a bad year either. LSU will be competitive again, will have some new and talented...
This +++1.
Not liking our total lack of coaching means you don't like LSU? Please explain the logic. In detail.
And this is based on what information? Gut feeling? It seems that the contracts our AD writes for these guys is very much like CEO's get. It's not...
Not if he keeps Crowton. We are #112 out of 120 on offense and he always has a strong defense?
Looks like it's very doubtful the Bolden will play or at least be near 100%. The Arizona Republic is saying that Early is getting #3 reps in...