I saw a bumper sticker that said "My wife, yes My dog maybe but my gun never."
Are those girls you dated in high school?
They got the 5700 page billb45 minutes before they voted on it. Maybe they are all slow readers
The point is is that we are paying for a bunch of shit we shouldn't be paying for with millions of Americans need help. $600 is a fucking slap...
No. He was offering a blow job from his sister for 2 piasters
Accusing him of cheating in golf is a low blow. Bill Clinton cheated at golf by taking more than the allowed number of mulligans. He called...
You left out the millions for Jordan so they can build a wall between themselves and Syria
Extremely bad taste to bust the balls of a person who just lost a beloved pet.
That's not what I saw on CNN
There are such things as conspiracies. Just because anybody with any intelligence at all can see a situation and say "this doesn't add up....
That would be ok if we needed a good singer
Has anybody heard from @stevescookin. He owns a restaurant in New Orleans so he has got to be hurting
I once told a boss who was firing me to jam it up his ass. I was still fired. Too bad I didn't have a buyout package
Eric Clapton anti lockdown song written by Van Morrison [MEDIA]
It's the AD's job to stick his nose in when things are going badly. And where did you ever get the idea that assistant coaches have a right to a...
As a white male I do understand where he's coming from. He is trying to stir up some bullshit for whatever stupid and twisted reason. I have...
AOC is 31 and she has gotten the vaccine. They should drain her blood to make vaccine for Trump supporters just for spite
Oooh. You're kicking me off the internet. I suppose you think it's your lawn. And Einstein could spell his own name.
Kansas does have good basketball