Jesus, Eli Manning just threw an interception that looked like a Pop Warner throw. Is it just me, or do most of his passes seem to be lollipop...
I cannot believe Nebraska is going to hire Houston Nutt as their next football coach. Yikes. I can't wait to see Nebraska lose to Kansas next year.
Did anyone complain to them about those atrocious Aerosmith commercials that they are running ad naseum for Monday Night Football? And I think...
Everyone and their brother is proclaiming USC as the national champion because they're #1 in both human polls, where are about as complex as an...
I say bring back the ostrich races from the old Saints games
Ivan Maisel's a dumbass. I'm sure if Auburn was 12-1, SEC Champs and in the Sugar Bowl he'd be marching to the beat of a different drum.
This guy's a super homer for the Big Blue...and a douche to boot.... No, it's like going on a 10-game winning streak at the end of September,...
Jordy Hultberg's voice just got on SportsCenter. They were showing some fat guy doing a contest at the half of the Hornets/Celtics game and...
Corso and Herbstreit have no input on where the show goes. And a national championship is still a national championship. If LSU wins just the...
I was one of those who won a student ticket and cancelled it. I got tickets elsewhere. I was ecstatic to find out that there would be a second...
I haven't beaten BYU vs. SMU either. You have to score 22 pts in about 2 minutes or something like that. Ridiculous. I'm just glad they don't...
I swear to god I'm getting sick and tired off seeing posts about what Trev Alberts said or didn't say, as if it really makes any difference about...
I'm amazed at that. Saban makes one passing comment about trying to schedule Arizona St and Gilbeau stretches it into an article.
Yeah, LSU just doesn't want to play UGA in the SECCG Florida or Tennessee, not Georgia BUT, it would be nice for UGA to continue winning
will Josh Reed STILL be catching passes from Rohan?
Before I begin this post, I would just like to say that I don't want to hear/read any crap about "not looking ahead." I'm not on the LSU...
By the way, LSU's computer rankings should look like this.... A&H 5/6 Last week: 8 RB 5/6 Last week: 8 CM 5 Last...
*mod edit* threads have been merged* ********************* I looked at the current BCS numbers and tried to figure out where LSU would land...
that's....that's what i said...???
I think all this win does for Tennessee is keep them alive as far as the tiebreaker. They still need Georgia to lose to Auburn or Kentucky. If...